Refund and Return Policy

Refund & Return Policy

As with the rest of our service, we strive to make refunds, returns, and exchanges as worry-free and customer-friendly as possible.

You are able to cancel your order.  If you wish to cancel your order please let us know within 24 hours of receipt of your order.  

If a refund is requested please let us know. Your order will be refund the order back to the payment provided.

There will be no fee to cancel an order that has not been input at distribution to process or dispatched.  Once your order has been input, processed, dispatched, loaded, or in transit from the manufacturing warehouse you will not be able to cancel.  All refunds will be credited to the original form of payment.



We do not accept returns for buyers remorse.  Again you are allowed to cancel your order as long as it has not shipped from the manufacture.  Please let us know as soon as you can if you wish to cancel.



If any of your merchandise is received damaged please let us know within 24-48 hours of receiving of your merchandise. Our carriers only allow 48-hour for notice of damaged merchandise. If it is past this time frame when you report the damage, please know that the claim may get denied. It is very important to notify us immediately of any damage. If the claim is denied due to not notifying us in writing (i.e. emailing) within the 48-hour time frame, then we cannot replace your furniture without a fee. Therefore, please make sure that it is examined upon delivery or within the 48-hour time frame.  

We will work with you to determine what is the best way to get your product repaired or replaced if damaged. Please note that if the fault is on the driver, a damage claim will need to be filed. If possible, please inspect your merchandise while the driver is present. If it appears to have any damage, please immediately notify the driver and us.  Pictures are required within 72 hours of delivery.  If pictures have not been submitted to us within 72 hours then your claim will be denied.  If it is deemed that the damage was due to delivery then we will provide an RMA for return and will email you the instructions for the pickup. 

If you receive your merchandise via FedEx, UPS, or Our Delivery Team, please make sure you are signing for the package only and not a damage release form.  If you sign stating that the package was received with all merchandise and that the merchandise was not damaged then we will be unable to do a claim on your behalf.